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Alchemizing the Elements

January 19 - February 5, 2025 
Mastatal, Costa Rica

Awaken your inner wisdom.

Re-learn to alchemize the Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether 


You are invited to join us for a transformative two and a half-week journey exploring the profound wisdom of these five elements amidst the lush jungles of Costa Rica. This course provides practical skills to harmonize the elements, empowering you to deepen your understanding of herbalism, fluently speak the language of Mother Earth, and become an energy medicine practitioner—all while fostering a deep connection with nature, yourself, and Spirit. 

You will leave the jungle equipped to alchemize the elements within yourself and others. 


Course Highlights:

Holistic Energy Medicine: Learn to blend intuition with hands-on techniques derived from Polarity Therapy and Earth-based traditions to balance subtle energy systems through whole-body reflexology.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Includes ceremonies, herbalism, yoga & movement, and spiritual practices to deepen intuitive connections and foundational understanding of the elements. 

Elemental Immersion: Daily activities are element-focused, living in the jungle offers unique opportunities to intimately explore the elements, allowing you to perceive, touch, taste, hear, and see the intricate dance of the elements. 

Experiential Learning: Participate in locally-led activities such as cooking with local ingredients, forest bathing, chocolate tour, and medicinal plant walks to embody each element fully.

The Foundations of Life
The Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether are not merely theoretical concepts; they form the very fabric of human existence. They are the foundation of the universe. They are the backbone of ancient healing practices such as Chinese Traditional Medicine, Ayurveda, and most other  Earth-based traditions.  These elements encompass cultural, medicinal, herbal, spiritual, movement, and energetic traditions of healing.


Beyond the Classroom
Traditionally, the elemental framework was not confined to classrooms but interwoven into daily life and culture. Passed down through food choices, seasonal cycles, stories, remedies, and community interactions, the elements were the essence of communities. Our courses aim to bridge the gap between theory and experience, integrating this framework into your body and soul, as it is meant to be.


This course is taught by two teachers. Solin, who grew up in the jungle within a family that uses the elemental framework and Kealy who has dedicated over 15 years to studying and re-discovering the elements on a soul level.   


Jungle Living:
Immerse yourself in the beautiful, raw, breathtaking Costa Rican rainforest, where nature's rich tapestry serves as a mirror for learning and self-discovery. Time spent in the jungle offers unique opportunities to intimately explore the elements, allowing you to experience the intricate dance of nature through all five senses.


Our beautiful location in the town of Mastatal is nestled between the Zapaton Indigenous Reserve and La Cangreja National Park, and the last untouched rainforest in Costa Rica's picturesque Puriscal County.

Practical and spiritual. Experiential and energetic. Cultural and intuitive. Magical and empowering. Educational and holistic. Transformative and grounding.  

Embodied Learning 

During the course, after the introduction, we will alternate between educational days and experiential days to enrich your learning experience.


“As a life-long learner, this course has helped me connect the dots on so many of the holistic modalities I have studied.” - Sylvia 

“I loved learning with Kealy and Solin. I'd recommend this course to anyone who wants to open their eyes to the  language of nature, aren't afraid to know themselves on a deep level and wants to do good in the world. Everyday blew me away." - Mary 

“I am so grateful for this class. Beyond words. I loved how they weaved together the elemental framework while allowing us to use our own intuition, acknowledging our own uniqueness and encouraging us to deepen our spiritual path.” -J  

“This course is life changing! It gives you the tools and framework to read plants, nature, and people in a completely new way, that simultaneously feels like a process of remembering.” - Bailey 

“I loved how this class was less about the plants and more about us as souls, but also how plants and people are undeniably interconnected.  The class combined the practical knowledge, magic, intuition and wisdom perfectly.  I can honestly never look at nature, myself or others the same way again."  - Stef 

" The closeness to nature, truly living in the jungle, helped ground the elemental wisdom into my body.  I'm so grateful for all the curated activites, the delicious food, indigenous wisdom, laughter, and friendship.  I 100% recommend this once in a life-time class."  - MA 


Meet Your Teachers

Kealy Rudersdorf

Kealy Rudersdorf

Kealy is a mother, teacher, writer, herbalist, mover of energy, intuitive healer, lover of homegrown food, a community builder, a tree hugger, a lifelong student of the 5 elements, a mentor, a jungle dweller, a silly song singer, a medicine maker, a truth teller, a joyful laugher, and friend to all. Kealy’s path has twisted and turned, from structural engineering to elementary school garden teacher to energy medicine and herbalism. Kealy’s fiercest passion and truest life purpose is connecting people to Mother Earth and themselves, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Through curiosity, crafted experiences, the 5 elements, and the 5 senses, she delights in observing her students understand nature and themselves more deeply. Kealy has been studying and practicing holistic medicine since 2013, and co-founded KIS Botanicals with Solin in 2017. Kealy teaches courses on herbalism, energy medicine, permaculture, gardening with kids, and provides private healing sessions.  She is passionate about connecting people to nature, working with kids, building resilient communities, and spreading joy in everything she does.

“Kealy is an incredible teacher. Her patience, love of what she does, and depth of knowledge is evident during every minute of her class.  Her classes are like being wrapped in a big hug because she fills them with ceremony, knowledge, and joy! She continues to be my mentor in energy medicine and am so grateful I found her.”


“I am a yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 20 years. Kealy’s element course has profoundly affected my practice. She had a beautiful way of weaving movement with herbalism, art and body work. Her knowledge is both deep and wide. Her classes are detailed and well-paced to fully understand each element.  I feel like I will return to my class notes for a long time to come.”


“I 100 % recommend Kealy’s element course.  She is an incredibly gifted healer and teacher. I am so lucky to have her work with me and help me though some really rough times as well as now as a teacher.  Her intuition is unmatched, she knows exactly what I need and how to push me towards healing myself. Her connection to spirit is evident and I love how she introduced me to my guides during the course. I can’t wait for our next session together!”


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Solin Garcia Sanchez

Solin is a father, Huetar Indigenous tribe member, a knowledge keeper, a plant lover, a farmer, a community builder, a water and land manager, a passionate environmentalist, a gifter of food and plants, a medicine maker, a jokester, self-taught botanist, a keeper of cultural traditions. Solin has spent his entire life living near his plants. He grew up deep in the jungle before there was ready access to a city and was lucky enough to have learned from his grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles the cultural traditions, uses of plants, and how to live in harmony with nature.  His deepest desire is to live simply with nature.  You are hard to find Solin without a machete on his side, a plant in his hand, and a new question to ask. When Solin co-founded KIS Botanicals, his purpose was to resurrect and give value to his culture's plant knowledge.

"The best part of the Element's class was, by far, Solin. Just him... and in his way of being with nature and plants. He is constantly doing such important work, and doesn't stop joking around while doing it.  His knowledge is incredible and I am forever grateful for his willingness to share it." 

"Solin is very 'air' or intellectual teacher. Meaning he doesn't always ask how the plant makes us feel  or dives deep into the water or emotional aspect (although Kealy does - they make a great team!), but can go on and on about a plant's uses and how his family survived using it. You can tell his stories are all first hand. I loved learning from him, his knowledge should be shouted from the mountain tops!" 

"Solin is a treasure! I really admire his goal of trying to keep his culture and family's knowledge alive.  I have studied herbalism in the past, but never quite with someone like Solin. He eats, breathes, thinks, and cherishes the plants in a way that is unmatched."  

What should I expect during the course?

During the course, your accommodations will be at Siempre Verde, a locally owned business in Costa Rica. The owners, Marcos and Jenni, are lifelong members of the Mastatal community and will be your hosts. They are both amazing and trained guides with a passion for sharing knowledge about the local flora, fauna, and jungle life.

At the beautiful Siempre Verde, you will profoundly immerse yourself in nature and witness the elements both during and outside of class time. You will be surrounded by nature 24/7, with very limited internet access, in a remote village where the nearest supermarket is an hour away.

You will arrive during the early green (or rainy!) season, experiencing almost daily rains that can last from a few minutes to several hours. These rains offer opportunities to slow down, refresh, and embrace the water element. Picture rain kissing your skin as you walk to dinner, or the soothing music of downpours on tin roofs.

Expect to stay in simple yet beautiful structures. Course participants are scheduled to stay in the dormitory with an optional upgrade available. Contact us for upgrade details.

At every turn, you will enjoy breathtaking views of the tropical jungle and neighboring national park. In the mornings, you will feel the power of the sun.

Anticipate encountering fire ants and mosquitoes, but also the delight of spotting a toucan flying by and hearing a sloth call for its mate.

You can also look forward to savoring simple, delicious, local, and nutritious food. While not every meal will feature superfoods, beans and rice are staples on the menu, alongside fresh pineapples, homemade ferments, sweet bananas, and freshly harvested tubers.

This experience is a step above camping; do not expect all creature comforts.

Immerse yourself in the wild jungle with the intention of learning to balance energy and connect with the elements. This experience has the potential to genuinely change your life.


Meet your hosts: Jenni and Marcos

Jenny and Marcos are trained guides and lifelong members of the Mastatal community and all around incredible people. They co-own Siempre Verde where they provide guided tours, connect people to the local flora and fauna, cook delicious meals, and help to make you feel comfortable.

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FAQ - Your questions, answered. 

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  • Where will the course be held?
    The course will be held in Mastatal at Finca Siempre Verde and KIS Botanicals, with activities taking place at nearby farms, nature reserves, and national parks within the Mastatal region. Mastatal is situated near the edge of the last remaining virgin and wild rainforests in Costa Rica’s picturesque Puriscal County. It is located approximately 1 hour inland from the Central Pacific Coast, nestled near La Congreja National Park and the Zapaton Indigenous Reserve. The area is about 2.5-3 hours from Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO), with more than half of the journey on paved roads and a portion on bumpy gravel roads.
  • What is so special about the Mastatal area?
    Mastatal is wild, raw, and breathtakingly beautiful. It remains untouched by high volumes of tourists, offering a genuine experience of rural life in Costa Rica. Adjacent to Mastatal, La Congreja National Park spans over 4,600 acres and stands as one of the few remaining middle-elevation virgin rainforests, never extensively logged for timber. Mastatal also borders the Zapaton Indigenous Reserve, home to the Huetar indigenous tribe. Solin, your plant teacher, identifies as Huetar and has spent his entire life in these lush mountains. Until he was about 15 years old, his family relied solely on the plants, animals, and natural resources of the mountains for survival.
  • When should I arrive? And leave?
    The course will start at Siempre Verde at 3:00pm on May 12th. Because we are in the middle of the jungle, transportation can be challenging and you may encounter unexpected delays. We recommend your flight arrives the day before. We will send out more information once you have signed up. ​ The course will end after breakfast on the 18th.
  • How do I sign-up?
    Click on the "SIGN UP" button to fill out the google form. Once we review your form, we will confirm your sign up via email. Your spot will only be confirmed once the form has been filled out AND you have paid the $250 deposit.
  • What is the price of the Discovering the Elements course?
    The price of the 1-week Discovering the Elements course is $1050. This includes food, housing (in the dormitory), and all course activities. Limited private spaces are available for an additional cost. The price does NOT include plane ticket, transport to and from Mastatal, hotels and food outside of the course window, medical needs that may arise during the course, souvenirs or other incidentals. Please note half of the payment is due 2 months prior to the course, depending on your total (ie: if you are paying $1050 in total, $525 total is due by April 12th. You can also pay this total when you pay the deposit). We ask that you pay the other half IN CASH on the first day of the course. Why? Locally, we run on a cash economy to buy all food and pay your tour guides. Having cash in hand is very important to make sure everyone is compensated fairly and on time. There is a $250 deposit to secure your spot. Half of the tuition ($525, or see below) is due two months prior on March 12th. ​ The tico price is $800, if you sign up and pay the $250 non-refundable deposit before February 1st. A cedula must be sent. ​ And the early bird pricing is $950, if you sign up and pay the $250 non-refundable deposit before January 1st.
  • Are there partial scholarships or work trades available?
    Yes, there is a partial scholarship available. The goal of the scholarship is to offer the opportunity to support students facing significant hardships and limited financial means. It is intended for people in underserved populations who face undue barriers as a result of an unbalanced social structure which discriminates based on a person’s race, ethnicity, religion, class, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Peace now. Equity now. Love always. As a company, we are dedicated to supporting our own neighbors and nearby indigenous community who also face unfair barriers. Please only apply for this scholarship if you are in genuine need of financial support to ensure that funds go to those who need it most. There is one work trade position available for photography / video capturing during the course. Experience needed. Please contact Kealy directly at to apply for a scholarship or to hear more about the work trade. ​
  • Why have Kealy and Solin decided to have their course at Siempre Verde?
    They chose to host their course at Siempre Verde because it offers a genuine opportunity to deeply connect with nature. Nestled in the heart of the jungle, participants can fully experience each element. Being neighbors with Siempre Verde also allows KIS to collaborate closely with local teachers and guides to create an engaging, customized activities for participants. Furthermore, Siempre Verde is owned and operated by a local Costa Rican family. They are confident that the resources invested during the week will contribute to the growth of our small, rural, agriculture-based community.
  • Is Siempre Verde a Retreat Center?
    No. Siempre Verde is an education center and ecolodge. It is NOT a high scale retreat center. ​ It is proudly family owned and Costa Rican run. You will be living close to nature, within beautiful sights of the jungle. You will not have all of your creature comforts, and internet will be limited. All of Siempre Verde's buildings are within a 5-8 minute walk. Given the likelihood of rain, we recommend bringing a rain jacket and appropriate shoes. Paths connecting Siempre Verde's buildings and the town of Mastatal are earthen or gravel, lined with beautiful local flora. Mastatal lacks concrete roads for miles, offering plenty of opportunities to ground your energy. Participants will stay in the dorm house, with an optional upgrade to private accommodation. Siempre Verde offers a step above a camping experience, where encounters with geckos, ants, toucans, and other local wildlife are common.
  • What else is there to do during my free time?
    We have packed the week with exciting and meaningful activities, including meditation, yoga, waterfall hikes, and learning to make chocolate. We encourage you to use your free time in the early mornings and late afternoons for reflection, journaling, and rest to integrate what you've learned. Visitors and participants also have access to the nearby town and roads for walks. A good book or deck of (water-proof) cards might be welcomed too.
  • What if I need something while I am at Siempre Verde?
    The town of Mastatal is located at least an hour away from any supermarket or large retail store like Target. While your hosts at Siempre Verde will do their utmost to ensure your comfort, they cannot fulfill every guest's individual needs. If there's something specific you require to feel comfortable (excluding air conditioning - ha!), please remember to bring it with you. This could include items such as dried fruit and nut bars, an extra bottle of your favorite face lotion, a second favorite pillow, band-aids, any necessary herbs or supplements, and so on.
  • What is the food like at Siempre Verde?
    The food at Siempre Verde is beloved by most visitors for its delicious and nutritious offerings, though it may differ from what you're accustomed to. Meals are locally sourced whenever possible. While not all superfoods are guaranteed, expect dishes like rice with locally grown beans, fresh pineapples, homemade ferments, sweet bananas, and freshly harvested tubers on the menu. Breakfast is typically served at 7:00 AM and includes rice and beans, eggs, fruit, and coffee or tea. Lunch is served around noon, and a delicious dinner follows around 6:00 PM. Your lunch and dinner will reflect the element we are studying that day. If you have specific dietary needs, please notify us before your arrival, as supermarkets are at least an hour away. Siempre Verde always strives to accommodate dietary requests whenever possible.
  • What language will the course be given in?
    Although Siempre Verde is located in Costa Rica where Spanish is spoken, this class will be given in English or translated into English. There will always be a bilingual teacher nearby and language questions can be easily answered.
  • I am so excited to participate, when should I buy my plane ticket?
    We know this incredible, life-changing course will fill up fast! Something else may happen that is out of our hands or your hands, so we highly encourage you to buy travelers insurance and / or buy a fully refundable ticket in the case of any unforeseen circumstances arise. As soon as you sign up, send in your deposit, and receive a confirmation email, you are welcome to buy your plane ticket.
  • What should I bring for the course?
    Here's an essential packing list to ensure you're prepared for your time in the jungle. Please feel free to add or change as you see fit. You know yourself best. Clothing: - Lightweight, breathable clothing (1-2 long sleeves and pants to protect against insects and sun, the rest for heat) - Comfortable hiking / walking / water shoes with good grip - Sandals for pathways and roads - Rain jacket or poncho (optional: umbrella) - Hat and sunglasses - Swimsuit (for waterfall hikes) Personal Care and Health: - Sunscreen (biodegradable if possible) - Insect repellent (natural if possible - we sell some from our farm) - Personal medications and basic first aid kit (including band-aids, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers) - Personal toiletries (biodegradable soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) Gear and Equipment: - Lightweight backpack or day pack - Refillable water bottle - Flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries - Travel towel and toiletry kit Miscellaneous: - Camera or smartphone for capturing memories (consider waterproof or protective case) - Ziplock bags or dry bags for waterproofing important items - Snacks (energy bars, nuts, dried fruit) for personal use between meals - A light weight shawl / sarong / scarf for bugs and cool evenings - Local currency for any personal expenses or souvenirs - A yoga matt and / or a thick blanket - A journal with the first page filled with your intentions for the course - Extra pens / pencils - Something that helps to ground and / or balance you; - Anything that might help you feel more comfortable and learn more deeply. Notes: - Environmental Awareness: Pack items with minimal environmental impact and avoid single-use plastics where possible. Be prepared to take all trash with you when you leave. - Please bring all biodegradable personal hygiene products if possible - gray water goes directly to the land and waterways, untreated
  • I have other questions. Who should I contact?
    Please send a message to Kealy at or via WhatsApp (for a faster reply) at +506 8411-6282
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